Electrical Engineering
The Department of Electrical Engineering came into existence in the year 2009 offering B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering with a intake of 60 students. Tthe department will be flourished in all respects and is being now full fledging with competent, experienced and dedicated faculty and well-equipped laboratories with facilities to cater to the all round development of the students in process.

Short Range Goals
- To train students as competent Electrical Engineers to meet the requirements of industries.
- To strive for further improvement in academic performance of students.
- To improve placement of students.
- To closely monitor the progress of students. To inculcate human values and leadership qualities in the students.
- To enhance interaction with industries.
- To strengthen the alumni linkage for mutual benefit.
- To organize bridge courses on areas relevant to industries.
- To update the knowledge of the faculty in emergmg areas.
- To motivate the faculty to undertake research work.
- To depute the faculty and students for inplant training to industries during vacation.
- To train the supporting technical staff
Long Range Goals
- achieve excellence in undergraduate education.
- To promote research activities in the areas of non-conventional energy generation and power systems.
- To have atleast 50% of faculty with doctoral degree in diverse areas.
The students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering are trained to become quality engineers, with adequate stress being laid on their personality development, paper presentation in seminars, group discussions etc., are some of the activities carried out by students. They also undertake projects in various organizations such as BEL, BHEL, CPRI, HAL, ABB, PRDC, Prok Devices etc.
- The department undertakes testing of all varieties of electrical equipments like induction machines,transformers etc.
DEPARTMENT VISION To evolve as a center of excellence in technical education and research related to Electrical Engineering by preparing students as the globally competitive and socially sensitized engineering graduates to contribute for sustainable development of industry and society. DEPARTMENT MISSION M1: Impart the fundamental knowledge of Electrical, Electronics and computational technology. DEPARTMENT PEO's PEO 1: Able to develop necessary skills to analyze and resolve practical Electrical
Engineering problems.
M2: Establish the foundation of the state of the art research facilities in emerging fields of Electrical Engineering.
M3: Provide the students a framework and mechanism for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities to solve complex technological problems.
M4: Enable the entrepreneurial skills and competence integrated with teamwork, leadership, social and ethical qualities.
PEO 2: Able to apply the theoretical and practical skills to investigate and undertake complex
projects of inter-disciplinary nature..
PEO 3: Equipped with technical communication and Interpersonal skills in multidisciplinary teams
to inculcate technical leadership qualities.
PEO 4: Acquire the professional attributes, ethical code, social and environmental
responsibility for sustainable development of the society.